Goblin Painting Log: 01

Hello! These old 'plog' posts have been rescued from the depths of the old forums. I've archived them here for my own personal amusement. Sad to see, but I never did finish the grand olde repaint of the goblins, they got a third (and hopefully) final repaint in the last few years, but here they are for all the 'historical  accuracy' (Though I have edited some of the text down!)

Plus posting them again, it might kick me in to gear to finally get the last ones finished over a decade later!


 Good evening.

Writing a plog will give me some encouragement whilst I'm painting my 300th-ish gobbo and wish, not for the first time, that I had fallen in love with chaos knights or ogres instead of all things small and green!

To begin my WIP Gobbo general:

This wolf rider was one of the last models I painted before my 10-ish year absence from the hobby. He was for a competition in a GW store whilst I had a six week summer job in the middle of nowhere!

I was always rather pleased with the glazing that I did on it ( I miss green glaze in the little hexagon pots more then anything!) I believe his shield floated away when my house flooded.

The base is very out date and needs replacing to one of my new ones. He is one of my favourite models from Gorkamorka and required no conversion work! He will always remain my all time favourite miniature and I'm glad I have been able to keep hold of him!


The shaman has sadly been painted and stripped more times than I can count now! I am unsure if I am going to included the shammy in the unit but his model base has been designed to fit in with my main unit of a block of 100 night goblins. I am waiting to decided on a final paint scheme for this block of troops just so I don't need to strip and undercoat him yet again!
