Goblin Painting Log: 03

One of the best night goblins ever made:

Very much a work in progress this one, I started him a while back when I had a free evening but he was packed up to move house that very same night and I had stupidly not removed all of the petroleum jelly he had been coated in for the sculpting, especially the scroll bearing snot! 

The fireball hand may be removed and redone as it looked more like energy blasts coming off I love the scroll snot though. 

I was thinking of adding barding to the wolf as well, but my greenstuffing skills didnt allow me to get it flowing to tie in with the rest of the model. Look like some one had dumped a thick horrid green rug on the poor thing!

This next one is the start of the back row of my wolf riders, I like the set up of stones I have made, It looks like it is about to see-saw the wolf gently down! I'm not sure if I am going to stick to having a more practical for gaming wolf unit made more like this one, or if I am going to go all out and make them a 20 strong mini diorama of the wolfs crossing a icy river over a cobble bridge.
