Painting Log III

I painted a small wood elf warband up a while ago and now our terrain is almost finished and they have some enemies to fight , it's time they come out of storage. They desperately need some new members as the goblin warbands have exploded in size since this batch were finished.

I finished off the missing details on the wood elf archer and did some more work on his face. The dwarf was one of two test models that I made to test the colour schemes for my Kharadron sky pirates of Hashut. The other was in blood red instead of the green, but I gave him a repaint after deciding to go with the green. I started painted my Ironclad months and months ago, but there are just so many details that I kept getting annoyed at it and putting it down. I need to finish off all the terrain I have on my desk so it's clear and really need to get the airship finished! It's been collecting dust since around march now! (Though I did manage to paint the lenses on both the gunner and his panel a couple of weeks ago, while I was waiting for a wash to dry on the terrain I was painting!) We are planning a big aerial battle, using the new battleplans in the GHB and I need this finished so I can start on the huge batch of dragons I have been collecting for the game!

