Painting Log IV

I wanted to add some scatter terrain to my nighthaunt themed ruined village as so far we have used the larger terrain in games but only as 'background' as there wasn't enough stuff to make for an exciting playing field on its own. Though I have some smaller bits planned, I really wanted some medium sized bits that wasn't just more ghostly rubble, but only had the graveyard and  more ruins to hand. Then the new nightvault objectives came out. Perfect.

I've painted up the first half of them, though I have kept a couple of parts aside for later projects. I still have one more large ruin as well and will probably add a couple of flat pieces of terrain, like old roads or something to help break up the blank space of our current grey board.

I may pick up the gauss blaster green edge paint, I wouldn't normally edge highlight terrain like that, but the objects have so many sharp edges, I think they would benefit with a little more work and give them a really spooky glow.

