Painting Log VI

Got my stash of gloomspite yesterday, but before that I tried to clear some of my WIPs that had been cluttering up my desk before operation clean up! I didn't get them all finished as most of them still need the basing done, but most are at 99% and will be easy to finish off when on a day that I can't paint for too long. Slowly working may through my stash of snotlings, then it's going to be time to pull apart the ten or so old square based ones that are due a massive clean up-originally painted around 1992. Also managed to come up with a paint scheme for my newer nighthaunt models, as much I love the oxide ones, I couldn't face painting the whole army like that.
I did get my KO warband leader undercoated but I've been too consumed with the bad moon to start on him yet! (though I need to as he needs to be ready for the next game!)


The next grot is a character I made up for a Mordheim gang quite a number of years ago now and never got around to painting him. He's a squig leg and mushroom seller,  but years of bopping vicious squigs on the head has lead him to be pretty tough!
He also needs a new base (I was always quite pleased with his flagstone base so it will be sad to see it go, but he needs to be on a round like the rest of his warband!) but haven't decided if I will stick with his Mordheim themed one, in remembrance of the old game, or if I will update it to match the rest of the warbands.


Also knocked up a collage of close ups of the trolls and snotlings (the snotling bottom caused a bit of a stir on another group!) for the 'eavier metal group #miniaturecloseup2018 #miniaturecloseup2019 challenge. Not the best painter in the world for sure, but some people were taking the challenge very seriously, and I thought it was about time a bit of snotling humour was injected into the proceedings!

