WFB Old World Project

I've taken some time away from AoS projects and switched back to some square based ones instead. I've not been happy with the current direction AoS is being pushed and alongside some other issues, it killed off my enthusiasm for the game. Whilst these issues won't affect me returning to AoS skirmish in the future, switching projects has kept me occupied and has opened my hobby budget up to getting involved in a ton of projects that I've been wanting to do for a long time but not had the funds while I was keeping up with the waves of AoS releases.

One of the main factors that pushed me out of the warhammer fantasy hobby during 8th edition was the size of the armies and space needed to store it all. Back then I was living in a small, pokey flat and didn't have space to store the 100+ sized units of goblins I was attempting to put together! Now my living conditions have much improved, I've thought about finishing off all those old WFB projects that were shelved! (As well as one very special one I never got to start!)

This means getting to finish off a lot painting for my Goblins, which includes finally getting around to making the repairs and repainting my old 4th edition army! 

First off, here is a couple of the pictures I saved from my old Warseer goblin project log. The photo quality is not great, but I've saved them for nostalgia.  I was gifted a huge night goblin army back in the late days of 4th edition and while it was passable back then, it's taken a few too many knocks since and the painting quality is far below what I do now. It will be sad to see it stripped down, as it is an irreplaceable gift, but it's in a real sorry state (having survived something like 20+ moves including relocating overseas) and I'd like to see it back on the table, looking as menacing as it did so many years ago!

Goblin Big boss on Wolf:

This was the model I was most pleased off back in the day. Painted around 1999. A super simple conversion and the only time during the 90s I was happy with a paint job! I'm going to be very sad to have to repaint it, but it got badly dinged in the last move. His shield seems to vanish at some point as well!


Part of the huge night goblin army I was gifted was a huge mass of snotlings (still one of the best sets of models GW ever did!) I had hundreds of them and all the swarm bases had slight conversions and other oddities and squigly beasts going on! It was one of the most special parts of the gift and so when it comes to repainting them all, I am going to try and recreate them exactly as they were!

And on to (mostly) brand new stuff:

Gütz, The green swordsgrot:

My snotling warboss! This is the second attempt at this conversion, I started making him probably back in 1999(ish) but he's been in and out of storage since then and the original body got too smashed up! I'm not much of a fan of sculpting, but I think I did a passable job, hopefully a careful paint job will sort out the issues with my poor sculpting! I've loved the idea of this conversion since I've started him and I'm really pleased to finally have him done and ready for painting!

I also got stuck into the basing for my first (new) unit of wolf riders. The painted goblin was borrowed from one of my AoS warbands, he might stay or I might replace him outright as I don't want to repaint him, but I'm likely to go with the classic red goblin scheme for my old world gobbos, where my AoS ones have been blue.

I'm missing a couple of wolves, but they are in a box somewhere (I hope). I have a pile of goblin parts all cleaned up and ready to go, but I do already have a bunch of built riders, but I think they are in the same box as the missing wolves, so left the rest of the goblins for now, in case I don't need to build them.
I've added a couple more skulls and mushrooms since taking the photos as well, I'll be adding more as painting is done where ever they look a bit sparse or need some more colour.

I hadn't been sure that I could build the movement tray decently out of the plasticard I had but I really didn't want to use wood, but it worked better than I had hoped and they fit snuggly. So I'll be sticking with plasticard for the rest. Not sure if I'll sand it all down and keep them plain, but I was thinking of extending the basing all around the edge of the movement trays this time round. Mostly as an excuse to use even more skulls and mushrooms!

And as I'm writing this post from the future, I've magically already gotten two of the snotling bases re-based and almost finished! I still have to paint the snail squig (As the Irish summer is here, which has meant it has rained non stop the whole time I've been waiting to prime stuff!)


The one project I always wanted to do, ever since the old campaign book came in white dwarf one summer, was an Albion army. I never really had the money to do it all the way back then and as there was only ever a handful of official Albion miniatures, it would have been a fun but difficult project, so I never even attempted it. But with so many options out there now and no longer being tied to official projects only (as I no longer play in GW stores) now was the second best time to start one!
So I found myself some superb alternatives for them and brought the first couple of units:

While I had been hunting around for rules and books missing from my WFB collection, I came across the Oathmark models. Oathmark is an upcoming game from the creators of Frostgrave, a game I've always liked but never had the space for in my hobby schedule. But the game itself, though not even out has yet, from what I've seen off it sounds really good and the dwarf models have the older style about them which is rare to see, since the more bulky, muscle dwarves of GW have become the standard. The oathmark kits are similar to the frostgrave kits and come jam packed with options, which makes them superb value. Around €1 per model with a ton of left overs, they are also compatible with the frostgrave range of models, meaning even more options and converting possibilities! The first box arrived and I was so impressed with the sprues that I have a bunch of other bits on order already! So it looks like I'm starting a dwarven army as well!

I also picked up a couple of boxes of various humans for my Bretonnian army. I have several of the hero models, but no longer have any of the models from back in 6th edition. The frostgrave set will let me add some variety to the unit, as well as being a bumper box of conversion parts. A lot of these sets I brought with duel purpose in mind, as they come loaded with spare parts and heads, which will let me refill my Inq28 bits box too, especially since the old bretonnian kits are becoming hard to find.

The Pike & Shotte big box set is around 150 models, and is a stupidly cheap way of getting a ton of core units for my Empire army. I have a lot of the larger, more fantasy style centerpiece models already, but with the price increases (again) and the constant out of stock issues with games workshop, I'd given up on getting to do an Empire army (affordably) but the warlord games models are superb and such good value! Though they do have a noticeable size difference, the hands and heads are more in scale unlike the mutant handed models of games workshop, for the most part the kits are interchangeable as long as you use two of the same companies hands on the same model, the rest isn't noticeable! The only thing not compatible are their horses, games workshop horses make warlord games ones look like ponies! But everything else is grand. 

I also picked up some of the warlord game skeletons (which were once a wargames factory kit) as an alternative to the games workshop ones. I want to recreate the Heinrich Kemmler Army of the Cairns  list which was featured in a white dwarf campaign, but it was just too costly with official kits. I have the first chunk of a unit all built and I will get some pictures up at a later date, as I'm ever so pleased with the kit and with some clever use of parts from the warlord kit, as well as from my stash of various citadel start collecting undead kits, I have ever skeleton option I will need, as well as a ton of left overs, all for a bargain price!
