Catch up post #1: Skeletons, Dwarves, Albions & A Snotling warlord!

I've fallen behind on my posts here just a little bit! Last year was a bit of a hectic one at college and I started a new job in January of this year. I've been working away like mad though and painted a fair bit and got even more almost complete! I post on a couple of other pages as well and as this hobby blog is more of a hobby diary I had to let this one slide.

Rather than try and create a post that captures everything I've completed over the past few months, I'm going to cheat and just copy over the posts from my Lead adventure forum thread! (Where I was able to post with more regularity!)

As for projects I've been working on- I'm pretty much buried under Oathmark & old world painting projects (At least for the 28mm scale). I still love AoS but as I mentioned in one of my last posts, I've not really been happy with the direction of the game for the last year or so and now a year on, I'm even less enthralled with current AoS scene. I brought what is most likely the last Battletome I will ever want to use (Seraphon) which means my AoS collection is pretty much 'complete'.

The upcoming Sons of Behemat might take my fancy, but I don't see them getting much use in my games of AoS skirmish, so I'm likely done. I have every battletome I will ever want to use and have no intention of edition swapping if (more likely 'when') AoS Ed. 3 is released. My time collecting books and models is pretty much over but my time in the realms is certainly not done yet!

My oathmark rulebook arrived and it is delightful. I've yet found time to sit down and read it cover to cover, but just the artwork alone made it worth the money. I've sunk a fair bit of money into a lot of new projects for it. The best thing about it is that almost all my plans for playing WFB will work with the oathmark ruleset (with a few minor adjustments, such as there is no black powder in the game and probably never will be. But not a bother, I will just proxy everything!) I'm looking forward for the undead & chariot rules getting their release later this year!

On to the interesting stuff- painted models!

November 13, 2019
Spent the end of summer dealing with some extra classes and exams I needed to take and had very little free time. But I was working very slowly on all my projects when ever I could steal 5 mins to paint, which really wasn't very often. Hopefully I'll have more time as the winter sets in as I only have a bunch of classes to finish this year, until it all starts again next September- so hopefully I will steam roll through some of this painting backlog by then!

The skeletons got another batch paint completed and I built the rest (finished after I took the photo) for a unit of 20 (along with a unit filler for them) but I've not had an dry evening to undercoat them, so they have remained unpainted.

I painted my first test models for a small (ha!) dwarven force. These are from the oathmark kits and I think they are superb! Not overly designed, they paint up nicely but still have tons of details and loads of extras in the kit! I'm really looking forward to the upcoming rules and the new models that are on the way! I might even completely do away with collecting the rest of the WFB rules I need if oathmark turns out to be as good as early play-testers have suggested they may be!

And I finished building my snotling warlord and finally painted him! Still got a couple of details to do and some work to do on the basing, but he is complete enough to sit inside his unit with out looking shameful and grey!

November 22, 2019

Just a small update, but nothing new painted, just a few pictures of some home made terrain that I also did over summer which I'd forgotten to add in the update with the rest of my summer work. I built a hut, based on the old farmyard modelling workshop guide from white dwarf. I made it to match the plastic farm terrain I got a while back, which I need to get some nicer pictures off. It's a tad large compared to the brought buildings, but I don't think I mind. I was pretty happy with it.  I still need to add the steps going up to the door but I wasn't sure if I am going to base it or leave it as it is, so left them off for now. I'd also like to add a couple of details around the door- perhaps some spare empire shields or a couple of torches, but I couldn't decide if it was more of a farm store house or a lived in hut. I thought it might be weird to add shields or flames to a store house!

Also, I put together some terrain for a Mordheim game we were planning for this winter, but had to put off for now. I've just been offered a new job and I won't have the time to put the game on over winter now. I'll keep chipping away at it though when I can, just in case I get a unplanned holiday or anything! This is just some of the scatter terrain I've been building here and there. My freehand on the sign is pretty awful but I keep trying to get better at it and this sort of thing is ideal as I can always bin it if it looks too naff.

December 28, 2019
So I finished off the basing for the first few oathmark dwarves and did a test model for my Albion humans, using warlords Celts. I am really enjoying painting these kits and I'm really looking forward to the oathmark rules getting released, as well as all the new minis they have lined up for release next year. I'm very tempted to switch this project over from WFB and pivot to a full blown oathmark campaign.

The dwarf shields have had some minor conversion work done (I added the runes to them) and I've tried to keep the colour schemes for the two warbands similar enough that they work together for when I want to combine them for larger campaign games. I'm likely to add some more detail to the Albion (celts) when I start on them properly, such as tattoos, but left this one kind of plain as to have a base line colour scheme to work from later on.
I've the first of the metal dwarven heroes almost done as well, he just needs basing. I stupidly forgot to order the banner I wanted for this unit when I last placed an order, so I'll have to leave the banner model until I can order it, as I don't know how large it will be and will need to base him to allow for the room for the banner to not mess up the rest of the unit.
