Catch up post #2: Oathmark painting log! Dwarves, Empire & Dark Elves!

 To keep things moving along on the painting bench, the plan for 2020 is to aim for a single finished model every week. I felt that this isn't too much of a challenge, even for times when I take multiple weeks off from painting or get bogged down with work, as painting a unit on holiday or painting up a bunch of my 6mm skirmish figures (which is slightly cheating, as they as so quick to do!) will keep that tally up!

And as I'm currently typing this from 'the future' (Queue Doctor Who's Middle 8) I'm well on target for this!

January 05, 2020

Started a dark elf chariot over the new year. (I'm jumping between projects so I'm able to keep something workable on my desk at all times, so on busy days I still feel I'm making some painting progress on something. It's not efficient, but it does keep me from getting nothing done or losing interest in a unit!)

January 12, 2020

If you happen to be in Ireland, England, Spain or Germany then you may have noticed a lot more ghosts floating around than usual.

If you find yourself being haunted, then here's a ghostbusting tip.

If you have found yourself with a big pile of chainrasps, thanks to the new mortal realms* magazine but don't want to see them on some circle base, there is an easy way to get them on squares with out needing a huge pile of the old slotta bases and without making them even more fragile than they already. If you try to cut of the tab you are left with next to nothing to glue the ghosts to a base. But the tab alone on a square is bendy and fragile.

I've simply cut a bit of sprue down the centre and chopping a bit off the wider end, then using plastic glue to weld the flattest side to the existing tab. Wait for it to cure then shave the bottom off so you have a nice flat, and much thicker surface ready for glueing. You will need to build the base up with some texture paint or some ready mix, but I'm having to do that with all my oathmark minis anyway so for me they remain consistent, so it's all good. It will add a couple of mm to the ghosts overall height, but I'm also happy with that, I will be using them in place of what ever the heavy undead infantry will be (unless we get a full blown ghost list in oathmark too!)

I'm using up the last of my oathmark plastic bases so I can weld them to them as well, though I intend to switch to MDF for everything else as these plastic ones are just to pricey to use for everything.

*I've mentioned in the other thread, but I don't like advertising the magazine. The company is one of the worst I've ever dealt with and I'm still chasing subs from last year. Whilst issue one is good value and people should grab them, I'd not recommend subbing to them.

February 01, 2020

Wip of my dwarf Slayer Mini from the most recent (and last  :'( ) Fenris games kickstarter. He's a massive lad compared to the oathmark chaps and he'll need a thicker base to stand on, as he'll need to be pinned as he is just so heavy! He was such a fun model to paint though.

April 04, 2020

Originally painted up for a mordheim game over christmas that sadly got canned. Thinking of painting the whole set I have now as a unit for oathmark.

 April 05, 2020

Oathmark Heavy Dwarf champion

Painting this one last night. Spare model out of the warlord games starter set I have, so used him to practice my Averland scheme.
