Catch up post #3: Dwarf lady and more Spooky Skeletons & Ghosts!

April 12, 2020

My dwarf oathmark army is growing, very slowly! But I'm doing a model or two for all my armies in-between batch painting ghosts/undead. Painted this dwarf lady, found her rather hard to paint. Nice model but some of the details are not very sharp. Still, shouldn't see the mistakes once shes tucked inside a whole unit.

Getting through my undead at a pretty decent speed for me! At this rate I might even have the bulk of the army done before the 2nd oathmark expansion & the undead rules are even released!

First two ranks are done and a third is drying out and waiting basing. I did have a swap around last night though, originally was using the candle stick ghost as the unit champion but think he's been downgraded to a stand-in standard bearer. Added the briar queen from the underworlds game, the model is super fragile and I thought she would be safer inside a unit than trying to use her for anything else.

Once the last rank is done I'll add the grass (I love adding grass & basing, so thought it would be a good thing to leave to get me to paint faster!) and then I have 6 more skeletons to paint and that is both units complete.

Just a quick update this morning on my painting. Sorry for the shoddy picture but I wanted to document the progress. I am almost done with an entire unit, my skeletons are almost complete! It's been a very, very long time since I've managed to paint a large scale unit from start to finish. So I'm pretty pleased with myself! It's not the only almost complete unit either, my ghosts are well on the way to being near completion too! Just need another long build session to build the back rank.

Just got to finish off the basing on these chaps, there is a crow to paint on the unit filler and they are done!

So it might be cheating a little to say the unit is complete- I do have to go back over and add decals to the shields but I've not chosen a design I like yet so intend to leave that until I have a couple more units done and I can pick something that fits the whole army. I don't have the unit champion built or any of the other 'heroes' (standard/skeleton trumpeter!) but when I add them, It just means the 2nd unit of skeletons is easy to complete as I have some models to remove from here! And yes, I have used a unit filler. But I like adding them and I can always add some more skeletons in now, I originally planned the unit filler when I only had the 24 model  kit to work from and wanted enough to stretch into a unit of bows as well! But I have like 200 to work with now, but still like unit fillers!  :D
