Oathmark Albion Warriors!

I'm 'back' to college again this week, for the final time (hopefully!) and as soon as my thesis is in I'm treating myself to a painters holiday!

 But I did take a couple of evenings out last week to mentally prepare for it and spent the time painting up another unit for my Albions using more victrix kits for some heavy armour warriors. (I got an insane batch of Victrix stuff as a Christmas gift, I'm almost embarrassed by how much I have to paint now!  😁

I actually batch painted the whole unit of 10 in one go, which wasn't very pleasant (Thankfully the Xfiles on in the background helped a lot!) but it was great to have the whole unit done and dusted at the same time! I can definitely go back and add more way more to them in the future but I need to start whittling down the huge backlog of projects on the go! The weeds still need a drybrush as they tend to look a bit flat without it, but they are still drying when this was taken.
